
Farmer June has five show hens, only one of which lays speckled eggs. Recently the eggs have won an award at the county fair and now an inspector has come to verify their lineage by observing the laying of the egg. It’s nearly 10 am, the hour when these hens lay their eggs, but Farmer June is nowhere to be seen. Can you help the inspector locate the correct hen in time? Her proper breed and given name should go on the certificate. That’s only right.

Lucky for us the hens’ names are written in bold letters on the henhouse door; Big Bad, Cheepers, Chip, Angel, and Carrot Head. According to the registration information from the fair, they represent five different breeds; Wellspring, Maran, Leghorn, Araucana, and Columbian Wyandotte. We also know that each lays a different color egg; white, tan, speckled, blue, and dark brown. Unfortunately, all hens lay in different places; in the coop, under the tractor seat, in the doghouse, in the daylily patch, and inside the spare tractor tire. The laying hour is short, however, so we can’t just go traipsing around to check each location.

The Auraucana and Big Bad are both allergic to daylilies and neither goes near them.

The one that lays the dark brown egg is best friends with Angel and neither will have ANYTHING to do with tractors.

Cheepers, a traditional hen, lays her eggs in the coop unlike the Wellspring.

The one that lays the speckled eggs is often seen with the hen who lays the eggs in the doghouse, and the Leghorn.

The dog’s name is Charlie so naturally only hens whose name starts with C would ever lay an egg in a his house.

Eggs laid in the dog house are not tan.

The Columbian Wyandotte does not lay blue eggs but her friend Chip does.

The Wellspring’s eggs are not in the tire, nor are they white.

Neither Carrot Head nor the chicken who lays her eggs near the tractor produce tan eggs.

Cheepers and the Maran were both seen destroying their rival’s blue eggs that were in the nest under the tractor seat.

Only a hen with two names can be from a two named breed.

Dark brown eggs are never found in the daylilies or the coop.

The Leghorn’s eggs are not speckled, found in the doghouse, or in the tire.

The Auraucana and the one nesting in the tire are ONLY friends with each other and avoid the company of ALL other hens.

Charlie will only allow Marans in his house.