Garden by Evernest Designs
You may have noticed something new going on at the Stratton Escape Room. We have recently added new gardens to the outside of our building as part of an upcoming outdoor adventure called, “Escape the Garden.” Experience the flowers, water features, birds, and bees in this hands-on garden of trickery and delight.
As it turns out, our head gardener, Mr. Potter has lots his wits and forgotten how to turn on the garden’s most important and noteworthy element, the Fountain of Life. This fountain, while modest in its appearance, has an ancient and sacred history, dating back to 14th century England. Apparently it has the power to grant health and longevity to those who listen to its trickling song. People have flocked to Mr. Potter’s garden in the past in search of this fountain, but they have not always been kind to the beds and flowers that grow within. For this reason, he has turned the fountain off and for “security’s sake” has secreted its controls into a series of puzzles hidden throughout the garden. Unfortunately for Mr. Potter, a potted plan has recently fallen from the top shelf of the shed and has landed squarely on his “noggin," causing severe amnesia. Worse, he has forgotten the solution to his own puzzles and doesn’t even know where to begin. So for now, our fountain is silenced.
Please help. Use your wits to get his fountain flowing again.