One to three phones or computers – You can do everything from just one, but it can help to have  separate computer for the Zoom meeting, YI area cameras, and still image files.

 Pencil and paper

 Print out of password and Keg and Tap grid. Here is the link.


 1.     Elect one person to be captain. This is the only person who will address the avatar. Address the live avatar as GAME MASTER and always give him a simple command such as: LOOK AT _________, OPEN __________, UNLOCK __________, PUT ____________. An example sentence to the GAME MASTER would be, “GAME MASTER, open the door,” or “GAME MASTER unlock the red box with the password 888.” The GAME MASTER will not talk but will sometimes respond with a thumbs down symbol if something is not possible.

2.     Elect one person to monitor the area cameras. The YI platform is for our area cameras. We have FIVE positioned in different parts of the room. These are all password protected. Once you have seen the password for any given camera, you will have access to viewing from this camera at any time. 

3.     Elect one person to monitor the still images. We will upload still images of items you have seen or found during the course of the game into the CHAT area of the ZOOM meeting. If we do not upload an image, the assumption is that it is not directly connected to any clue. There are some things you will see that are just decoration. 

4. Elect one person to control the music when necessary. S/he must be able to play the sound out loud for everyone to hear.

5.     The GAME MASTER will have a basket into which he will put items found in the room and carry with him. This will become important as you will have quick and easy access to any of the clues from within the basket. Also, still photographs will be available for view within the CHAT area of the ZOOM meeting.