PART I - DECEMBER RELEASE! This is a game of two parts. As of December 2024, PART I is available.

Ultimately, players will be tasked in making a complex, multifaceted, moving machine using brain-power, rustic, incomplete blueprints, and a few disjointed, unrelated items from within the room. Sounds easy, you say? Perhaps we haven’t told you the whole story.

The machine itself will be over-the-top and wildly nonsensical in the spirit of famed cartoonist, Rube Goldberg. He was widely known for his drawings depicting delightfully over-complicated and convoluted machines designed to do simple tasks like using napkin, catching a mouse, etc. (What? You have never heard of him, maybe you should look him up. In the very least, it’ll be good to become acquainted with the sort of absurdity that is about to follow.)

In order to qualify for the supreme task of making the machine, you will need to first become acquainted with the master-minded-ry of Goldeberg-styled instruments and chain reactions. Consider PART I of your journey to be sort of a primer to this sort of engineering. In PART I your job is simple; you will have to locate and free the RUBE. What’s the RUBE you ask? Well, figuring that out is part of the journey.

When you access PART II of the experience (coming soon) you will discover that the items necessary to build this machine will need to be acquired during the course of the game. Don’t forget all that you have learned. They aren’t going to be just lying about higgledy-piggledy like a pile of oversized pick-up sticks, NO! Players will have to earn them by solving a series of physical and mental challenges, each requiring concentration, cooperation, and observation.

Thirdly, as always, the event will be timed. Only the very best will succeed. All will have fun trying.