Here’s a simplified version.

  1. From the corner of Rte. 30 and Snow Valley Road turn right towards Bondville.

  2. Go 0.3 miles AFTER you pass the Chief of Rte. 30 and take a left. Follow this road for 3.4 miles and turn left. Then go 1.8 miles and turn right.

3. Take this road and travel at exactly 20 miles per hour for 3 minutes and 38 seconds. See farm implement with a number above.

4. After the farm implement go .7 miles in the same direction and turn right.

5. Follow this road for precisely 1.5 miles and turn rt into a public area. Follow road to end and bend left to park in a parking lot. Look for a bronze plaque. The next clue is at its base.

GPS to the site:

N 43.167798

W 72.86429