Here’s a simplified version.
From the corner of Rte. 30 and Snow Valley Road turn right towards Bondville.
Go 0.3 miles AFTER you pass the Chief of Rte. 30 and take a left. Follow this road for 3.4 miles and turn left. Then go 1.8 miles and turn right.
3. Take this road and travel at exactly 20 miles per hour for 3 minutes and 38 seconds. See farm implement with a number above.
4. After the farm implement go .7 miles in the same direction and turn right.
5. Follow this road for precisely 1.5 miles and turn rt into a public area. Follow road to end and bend left to park in a parking lot. Look for a bronze plaque. The next clue is at its base.
GPS to the site:
N 43.167798
W 72.86429